Just before the lockdown was declared, 30 young scientists and nature guardians from Levana Primary Harmony Primary came to Princess Vlei to find out about all the species that make up a wetland family.
Before setting out, Forum members reminded the learners to treat all the creatures they encountered with great respect, and to ensure that none were harmed in the process of studying them. The learners then went out in teams with data sheets to note down observations of what they found. A number of creatures were observed, but for many the highlight of the visit was finding a cluster of young Western Leopard toadlets hiding under a rock. The rock was in the magic spiral garden which school learners planted two years ago, and which is now really starting to flourish. Several other creatures were observed, including Blacksmith lapwings, Redbilled Teals, butterflies, bees, ladybirds, grasshoppers, dragon flies and fish. This was to be the first of two sessions – in the following week, the learners were due to create dream catchers representing the web of life that is found in a thriving wetland. Unfortunately, the lockdown prevented this from taking place, but we look forward to the day when we can complete this process.
December 2024
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