By Mea Lashbrooke
Yet another clear declaration has been made to save Princess Vlei from inappropriate development. This time it is the False Bay Diocese of the Anglican Church that has thrown its weight behind the Save Princess Vlei Campaign. Bishop Christopher Gregorowski, an executive member of Princess Vlei Forum was one of several high-ranking Ministers presiding at the Prayer Meeting at the Vlei on Sunday 13th October. Brandishing his cell phone for all to see, he challenged the more than one hundred attendees, and the Church as a whole, to use social media to save Princess Vlei. Prayers for the Vlei at the neighbouring community centre, Jolly Carp, were followed by a short walk to the Cairn on the eastern shore, where participants added their stones to this memorial site. The cairn was established at the Pray for the Vlei meeting on 22 September, by religious and cultural leaders. It serves as a symbol of commitment to conserve the Vlei, and all who share this commitment are invited to bring and add stones when they pass by. Reverend Rachel Mash, Environmental Co-ordinator of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, blessed the cairn and prayed for safe delivery of the Vlei. Then it was the turn of Mariette Daubenton, of Christ Church Constantia Green Team, to lead a group of walkers around the Vlei. Never one to waste an opportunity, Mariette equipped everyone with plastic bags to collect litter. There were those for whom this was a first-time experience, But after enjoying the rain-washed clear skies and sharp mountain views, they were in no doubt about the need to conserve this magnificent jewel of the Peninsula.
December 2024
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